- Bread of the world [June Nixon]
- Cry out with joy [Rosalie Bonighton]
- Do you not know? [Betty Roe]
- God comes to us [Norman Warren]
- Great Lord, our God, we praise you [Colin Mawby]
- Here, O my Lord [Michael Higgins]
- King of glory, King of peace [Robert Jones]
- Let all the world [John Marsh]
- Lift up your hearts! [Brian Bonsor]
- Lord, in this thy mercy's day [Richard Lloyd]
- Love divine, all loves excelling [Timothy Blinko]
- Loving shepherd [Andrew Wright]
- May the grace of Christ uphold us [Colin Mawby]
- More Than Words [Jordan, John]
- O give thanks to the Lord [Andrew Moore]
- O holy Jesus [Alan Rees]
- See! I am God [Simon Lesley]
- The Lord is merciful [Andrew Fletcher]
- The prayer of St Richard [Martin Setchell]