- The Courtiers Health
- Gunpowder Plot
- Hey Then Up Go We
- London Mourning In Ashes
- Neptunes Raging Fury
- Old England Grown New
- An Old Song On The Spanish Armada
- A Ballad Of The Strange And Wonderful Storm Of Hail
- When Cannons Are Roaring
- Englands Great Prognosticator
- The Bonny Grey Eyed Morn
- The Courteous Carman And The Amorous Maid
- Cupids Courtisie
- The Irish Jigg
- Jockeys Lamentation
- The Lunatick Lover
- The Northern Lasses Lamentation
- A Pleasant New Ballad Of Daphne
- The Slighted Maid
- True Love Requited
- The United Lovers
- The Baffled Knight
- The Beehive
- The Crafty Maid
- The Crost Couple
- Diddle Diddle
- A Ditty Delightful Of Mother Watkins Ale
- The Downfall Of Dancing
- The Female Captain
- The Gelding Of The Devil
- Good Advice To Batchelors
- The Jolly Miller
- The Jovial Lass
- The Lancashire Cuckold
- Lumps Of Pudding
- The Maids Complaint For Want Of A Dil Doul
- My Dog And I
- Oyster Nan
- The Saint Turn D Sinner
- The Seven Merry Wives Of London
- Shameless Joan
- The Trooper Watering His Nag
- Would You Have A Young Virgin
- The Husband Who Met His Match
- A Merry Jest Of John Thomson And Jakaman His Wife
- Modesty Amazed
- Seldom Cleanly
- The Winchester Wedding
- A Caveat For Cutpruses
- The Dumpling Womans Delight
- The Fair Maid Of Islington
- The Famous Ratchatcher With His Travels
- The Jolly Tradesmen
- The Joviall Broome Man
- The Old Womans Legacy To Her Cat
- The Tradrs Medley
- The Vindication Of Top Knots An Commodes
- The Country Lass
- The Countrymans Joy
- The Great Boobee
- Harvest Home
- The Nmorth Country Lovers
- The Wiltshire Wedding
- You Lasses And Lads
- A Ballad Upon Tobacco
- Courage Crowned With Conquest
- A Warning To All Coustard Eaters
- The Doleful Dance And Song Of Death
- Drive The Cold Winter Away
- The Trhee Ravens