Sing Out! 4

Book 4: Seven Pop Songs for Today's Choirs

Sing Out! 4, Gch3Klv (+Audonl) (0)Sing Out! 4, Gch3Klv (+Audonl) (1)Sing Out! 4, Gch3Klv (+Audonl) (2)Sing Out! 4, Gch3Klv (+Audonl) (3)

Beautiful Day (Demo)

Beautiful Day (Sing-Along)

Happy (Demo)

Gemischter Chor (SAT), Klavier
Notenbuch (Sammelband), online Audio
64 Seiten
Verlag / Hersteller:
NOV 164956


This book contains sumptuous new Choral versions of seven chart-topping pop songs. The arrangements are by renowned Vocal Coach and Choral Director Mark De-Lisser and are recorded by ACM Gospel Choir. The fourth pop repertoire book in the popular Sing Out! series brings you uplifting songs with positive lyrics. With such feel-good hits as Happy by Pharrell Williams, Magic by Coldplay, You Gotta Be by Des’ree and more, this Choral collection will delight and inspire both the singers and listeners alike.

Arranged for SAT Choir with the occasional solo part, this pack includes a download card with performancebacking tracks, full demonstrations and individual rehearsal tracks of each Vocal line recorded by members of ACM Gospel Choir. The scores feature Piano parts and chord symbols for band accompaniment. Helpful hints for performing each piece are also included in this book, giving you everything you need to learn these well-loved songs.

If this all sounds too good to be true, it isn't!


  • Beautiful Day (U2)
  • Brave (Bareilles, Sara)
  • Happy (Williams, Pharrell)
  • Magic (Coldplay)
  • Somewhere Only We Know (Allen, Lily) (Keane)
  • You Gotta Be (Des'ree)
  • You're The Voice (Farnham, John)
23,70  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–3 Wochen.
auf den Merkzettel

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Sing Out! 1

Book 1: Five Pop Songs for Today's Choirs

für: Gemischter Chor (SAT), Klavier

Notenbuch (Sammelband), online Audio

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23,70  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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Sing Out! 3, Gch3Klv (+Audonl)

Don't You Worry Child (Demo)

Sing Out! 3

Book 3: Five Modern Pop Songs for Today's Choirs

für: Gemischter Chor (SAT), Klavier

Notenbuch (Sammelband), online Audio

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23,70  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–3 Wochen.
Sing Out! 5, Gch3Klv (+Audonl)

Africa (Demo)

Sing Out! 5

Book 5: Five Pop Songs for Today's Choirs

für: Gemischter Chor (SAT), Klavier

Notenbuch (Sammelband), online Audio

Artikelnr.: 636472

24,20  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–3 Wochen.
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