Albert King (1923 – 1992), B.B. King (1925 – 2015)

Three Kings Of Blues

Lick Library

A. King: Three Kings Of Blues, Git (DVD) (0)
DVD (Lernvideo)
Autor / Komponist:
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Celebrated tutor Steve Trovato introduces you to the Guitar styles of Freddie, Albert and BB King! These three very special Blues stars share much more than just a surname - all were fundamental influences for the original gang of guitar heroes, including Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Rory Gallagher and Stevie Ray Vaughan. Their soloing styles have directly informed the very best of rock music since the 50s and 60s, and can still be heard in today's contemporary bands. Steve Trovato guides you through a library of classic licks and blues solo ideas that form the characteristic of the Kings' playing styles. Suitable for elementary players as well as those wishing to addauthentic blues phrases to their own solos.

36,50  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–3 Wochen.
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