Variations on Rhythm Changes for the Study of Improvisation, Ear Training and Composition
Lets Play Rhythm is one of the most versatile book/CD play-alongs available providing three CDs which offer a complete learning experience. You'll hear master musicians demonstrating the lessons in the context of tunes. Eliminating first the solos on one disc and finally the melodies on a third disc leaving only the rhythm tracks.
Practice with/without the melodies or solos, write your own, transcribe for ear training. Learn bass lines, diatonic melodies, rhythmic melodies, pentatonic, blues scale, diminished, upper structures, intervallic melodies, reharmonization, pedal points, groove variations and more.
Featured soloists and melody players include Jerry Bergonzitenor, Ken Cervenkatrumpet, Jeff Galindotrombone and Matt Marvuglioflute. Rhythm section: Bruce Gertz bass, Bob Kaufmandrums, Russell Hoffmanpiano
Advance Music, Maieräckerstr. 18, Maieräck Rothenburg, DE,
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