Bennett, Ned

A New Tune A Day Flute Cd Edition Flt Book / Cd

C. Paul Herfurth's classic series of tutor books, now fully updated to give the best possible start to a new generation of musicians.
New Tune A Day

Bennett, Ned: A New Tune A Day Flute Cd Edition Fl, Fl (+CD) (0)Bennett, Ned: A New Tune A Day Flute Cd Edition Fl, Fl (+CD) (1)Bennett, Ned: A New Tune A Day Flute Cd Edition Fl, Fl (+CD) (2)Bennett, Ned: A New Tune A Day Flute Cd Edition Fl, Fl (+CD) (3)Bennett, Ned: A New Tune A Day Flute Cd Edition Fl, Fl (+CD) (4)

Au Clair de la Lune (Demo)

Au Clair de la Lune (Playalong)

Danny Boy (Demo)

Notenbuch, Playback-CD
Autor / Komponist:
Bennett, Ned
sehr leicht
64 Seiten; 23 × 30,5 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:
MSBM 11418


C. Paul Herfurth's classic series of tutor books have now been completely revised and updated with a host of innovations to suit a new generation of musicians.

A New Tune A Day features the same logical, gentle pace and keen attention to detail that made earlier editions so hugely popular and successful. Clear explanatory diagrams and photographs help guide you through the lessons and achieve the very best in tone, technique and posture. The selection of music is fresh and exciting, including duets and rounds to inspire the student and ensure that those vital practice hours are never boring!

The book includes:

  • Advice on your instrument and the equipment you will need
  • Instructions for effective technique and comfortable playing
  • Explanatory pages on reading and understanding music
  • Tests to check your own progress and comprehension

The accompanying audio CD features a virtuoso performance and backing track for each pieces, as well as recorded examples to support the lessons.


C. Paul Herfurth's classic series of tutor books have now been completely revised and updated with a host of innovations to suit a new generation of musicians.

A New Tune A Day features the same logical, gentle pace and keen attention to detail that made earlier editions so hugely popular and successful. Clear explanatory diagrams and photographs help guide you through the lessons and achieve the very best in tone, technique and posture. The selection of music is fresh and exciting, including duets and rounds to inspire the student and ensure that those vital practice hours are never boring!

The book includes:

  • Advice on your instrument and the equipment you will need
  • Instructions for effective technique and comfortable playing
  • Explanatory pages on reading and understanding music
  • Tests to check your own progress and comprehension

The accompanying audio CD features a virtuoso performance and backing track for each pieces, as well as recorded examples to support the lessons.

18,50  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 1–2 Wochen (Österreich)
auf den Merkzettel

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