- Mikrokosmos I-II
- Mikrokosmos III-IV
- Mikrokosmos V-VI
Wissenschaftliche Gesamtausgabe
Gemeinschaftsproduktion mit Editio Musica Budapest
Bartók Gesamtausgabe 40
Tudományos összkiadás kritikai jegyzetekkel. 40. kötet
What is perhaps the 20th century's most influential set of piano pieces, in one volume, in a new, critical edition. The introductory studies in English, Hungarian, and German that preface the edition explore not only the genesis and reception of the pieces, but also provide the most detailed guidance to date in questions concerning the notation and performance of the music. The edition also includes exercises and notes written by Bartók for Mikrokosmos. The critical commentary for this edition is published in volume 41 of the Complete Edition.
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