- Just Teasing [Doris da Costa]
- One Sunny Morning [Brian Bonsor]
- Up and Down the Stairs [Jane Sebba]
- The Chinese Dragon Dreams [Sally Adams]
- Lunar Seascape [Sally Adams]
- Golden Leaves [Andrew Challinger]
- Butterflies [Doris da Costa]
- Just Thinking... [Brian Bonsor]
- Lazy Afternoon [Andrew Challinger]
- Trot to the Town on a Pinto Pony [Sally Adams]
- The Pendulum Swings [Brian Bonsor]
- Medieval Medley [David Gordon]
- Scotch Mist [Alan Bullard]
- Trotting Along [Brian Bonsor]
- Running for the Bus [Alan Bullard]
- Hoedown [Jonathan Leathwood]
- Copycats [Doris da Costa]
- The Tyrolean Trolls Trip to Timbuktu [Sally Adams]
- Green Flag [Sarah Watts]
- Gavotte [David Gordon]