Katherine Curatolo

First Lessons Music Theory


K. Curatolo: First Lessons Music Theory (Bu) (0)
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This book is an introduction to music theory. Twenty-six lessons begin with a guide to reading music and progress to cover topics ranging from rhythm to chord types. By the end of this book, the reader will be familiar with all of the terms and concepts necessary for a basic and confident understanding of music.


  • Lesson 1: The Staff
  • Lesson 2: Quarter, Half, Whole Notes and Rests
  • Lesson 3: Time Signature
  • Lesson 4: Key Signature
  • Lesson 5: 8th, 16th, 32nd Notes and Rests
  • Lesson 6: Rhythm
  • Lesson 7: Dotted Notes
  • Lesson 8: Dotted Rhythms
  • Lesson 9: Accidentals
  • Lesson 10: Enharmonic Notes
  • Lesson 11: Intervals
  • Lesson 12: Order of Sharps and Flats
  • Lesson 13: Major Keys
  • Lesson 14: Scale Degrees
  • Lesson 15: Major Scale
  • Lesson 16: Triplets
  • Lesson 17: Dynamics and Articulations
  • Lesson 18: Repeats
  • Lesson 19: More Time Signatures
  • Lesson 20: Tempo
  • Lesson 21: Minor Keys
  • Lesson 22: Minor Scales
  • Lesson 23: Triads
  • Lesson 24: Arpeggios
  • Lesson 25: Inversions
  • Lesson 26: Seventh Chords
17,30  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3–5 Wochen
auf den Merkzettel
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