Peter Blair

Lick Library – Alto & Bari Sax

Jazz Patterns for Beginning Improvisers

P. Blair: Lick Library - Alto & Bari Sax, Asax/Brsax (0)
Altsaxophon [Baritonsaxophon]
Notenbuch, online Playback
Autor / Komponist:
44 Seiten
Verlag / Hersteller:


"Lick Library" is specifically written for the young musician who is just starting their journey into the world of Jazz and improvisation. This book includes over 250 examples that work their way sequentially through major, minor, and dominant chords, as well as accompaniment tracks at a variety of tempos for all of the licks.

As a special bonus, there are 180 recorded examples that are set up to be “echo exercises,” where the student can hear the lick played by a live musician, then play it themselves in real time with the rhythm section. This key aural feature enables the student to hear the Jazz phrasing and articulation of each lick and begin to internalize a swing feel as they echo the phrase.

Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen


Kendor Music Publishing, 1525 S. Florida Ave. STE 4, 33803 Lakeland, FL, US,

Verantwortlicher in der EU

mds GmbH, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 1, 55129 Mainz, DE,

21,60  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 1–2 Monate
auf den Merkzettel

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Jazz Patterns for Beginning Improvisers

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Notenbuch, online Playback

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Jazz Patterns for Beginning Improvisers

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Notenbuch, online Playback

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